Little Brave is an Outlaw!

Confirmed to Play!
The Outlaw Roadshow 2013
Austin, TX

This Artist will play
Saturday, March 9

ONE OF THE OUTLAW'S BEST LIVE SETS THIS YEAR - September saw the release of LITTLE BRAVE'S Wild EP. These new songs, written and recorded over the last year, took something already great and completely blew it up! A live set of Little Brave music can make you fall in love or mad as hell. (Read below.) She has a very powerful effect on audiences. 

"Little Brave's music exhibits some form of intensity that you don't hear all over the place. It's strange because it's not really all that intense in the way you might think of intensity in a traditional sense. It's intense because it's so individual. It's so personal and it really seems to be coming from a place that people just don't let other people see all that often. It's emotional."
- Daytrotter

"Brutally honest. Sonically sublime. Achingly beautiful. One very powerful album from an artist in every sense of the word."

 "A talented multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, she brings a girl-next-door-turned-rock-star sexuality to the stage that will make everyone in the audience leave with at least a little crush on her. Whether rocking out with a full band or stripping down for a solo acoustic show, Stephanie pulls every emotion from your soul."
- Ryan's Smashing Life


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