Eldridge Rodriguez
New Album in March
Eldridge Rodriguez (The Beatings) has a New Record

Eldridge Rodriguez - Miss Me When I'm Gone (feat. Sarah Borges)
About a Year has passed since Midriff's single most productive and truly inspired record release season, but the creative well is still very far from dry. Known best for their Boston legends act The Beatings, Midriff's next launch is the solo effort from Beatings co-frontman Eldridge Rodriguez who helps steer the operations of the label. Rodriguez or ER as he is simply called in these snowbank-lined streets in Boston, will celebrate You Are Released next month both here in Boston and in Austin at SxSW.

Eldridge Rodriguez
The strengths of ER's songs (both old and the new ones) are their heady emotional intelligence which underscore his lyrics and his oft-contrarian pacing. (To this point; have you ever seen someone's heartbreak while they smile powerless to stop it? Or a fast-paced, upbeat song about dissolution and remorse?) You Are Released is Eldridge Rodriguez's 10th studio album, 6 with his band The Beatings, 4 solo. Like his 3 previous solo albums, You Are Released was recorded with Ray Jeffrey and continues his tradition of deconstructionist pop, this time around relying heavily on beats, loops, post-punk arrangements and noisy orchestration. Rodriguez has a way of communicating angst, stress, doubt and loss as well as anyone I've come across. Clever in his wording, songs may take on special, new, meaning on second or third listen - perhaps even weeks down the road following first listen. Listening is easy but digesting can be a challenge. Rodriguez uses this side project as a creative release valve for some of the things he might like to do with The Beatings but may prove to be outside their slightly more "merry" shallows.
Rodriguez's role in Boston as perhaps one of its best and most accomplish cheerleaders has largely gone unnoticed by traditional media. He has provided countless opportunities to up and coming bands, literally backing those efforts and helping bands with advice on how to succeed. [Just in case you missed it, please please check out Midriff's Greg Lyon - his new album (which features ER) is brilliant!] So it was not a huge surprise to hear that one of the city's many talented musical children Sarah Borges (of The Broken Singles) accepted ER's offer to appear on the new album. If you help people, if you do it for the right reasons, things come back to you. For the first time ever, today, here is the new song featuring the pair. The new album, You Are Released, will be out in about five weeks. We will be there.