Last Day Today!
Honk & Oktoberfest* in Harvard Square
[* Honktoberfest is not the official name.
but it totally should be. - wise editor]
but it totally should be. - wise editor]
Newport Folk stars What Cheer? shine brightly today at Honk!

What Cheer? - Malaguena
[ full photo set by RSL's 5342 Studios ]

What Cheer? - Malaguena
[ full photo set by RSL's 5342 Studios ]
SUNDAY IN CAMBRIDGE - Today is the final day of this year's Honk! - Festival of Activist Street Bands. And it's appropriately going to be the best. Check out Harvard Square today from 2-6pm to catch some of the most wild live brass, drums and performance art, and an Octoberfest parade. There are a ton of extremely talented performers below. Seriously, this is live performance music at it's very best - and (oh yeah) the outdoor parade today is free!
TONIGHT'S BIG BLOWOUT - Featuring all the HONK! bands, performing up to 10 minute sets each. At this writing the following bands will be participating, listed in alphabetical order: AfroBrazil, AMP (Activist Music for the People) Radical Marching Band, Bahamas Junkanoo Jumpers, Barrage Band Orchestra, Black Bear Combo, Brass Liberation Orchestra, Bread and Puppet Circus Band, Detroit Party Marching Band, Dirty Water Brass Band, DJA-Rara, Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band, Environmental Encroachment, Expandable Brass Band, Extraordinary Rendition Band, Factory Seconds, Himalayas, Leftist Marching Band, Minor Mishap Marching Band, Rude Mechanical Orchestra, Second Line Social Aid & Pleasure Society Brass Band, Seed and Feed Marching Abominables, Springville All Star Marching Band, Titanium Sporkestra, Veveritse, and What Cheer? Brigade.