The Soul of OLD JACK
A First Look / New Albums of Note:

Who would have thought that Boston would be the next ground zero for American Soul? Old Jack, a perennial favorite here in the city, will unleash the long awaited 'Union Glory' album on Friday. The songs here have been remixed and retooled from their earliest versions (heard in the music halls and practice spaces of this city) and what emerges this week is one of the stronger rock-soul projects in ages. Make no mistake, Old Jack are a rock band.... But the pull of soul has lead this band down another path. A diversion has become one hell of a strength: Old Jack's smooth soul is what makes this band stand out from the crowd and what could well win them an audience outside the region. (Think Black Crowes religion, southern sounds from CSNY, Counting Crows storytelling and late Seventies Soul.) Newly armed with the strong material from Union Glory, Old Jack has not so secretly become one of Boston's best.
At the center of the band is Dan Nicklin, the gifted singer who has a good habit of drawing talented souls. Jason Dunn (from The Luxury and The Halogens) plays guitar. Jason Meeker (from Ms. Pigeon) is on drums. Derek Feeney on guitar and Ryan Peters (from the Halogens)on bass. Larry Luddecke (from the Sidewinders and Skyhook) plays the Hammond organ. One of the strengths of the Union Glory album is the magnificent voices of backup singers Kelly Davis, Stephanie Pothier and Christie Bealieu provide a roundness and likeability to this album - helping the project succeed vocally and advance emotively. (Listening to Union Glory made me think back how much better Bob Dylan's Live at the Budokon was with those female backup singers. The sound there and here is more rich and expanse!)
Of course the rise and fall of Nicklin's voice in relation to the traditional instruments and the Hammond organ, certainly helps. You get the idea: this is a big sounding band with a mature, developed sound.
Of course the rise and fall of Nicklin's voice in relation to the traditional instruments and the Hammond organ, certainly helps. You get the idea: this is a big sounding band with a mature, developed sound.

Jason Dunn
Union Glory gets its glorious unveiling on Friday, Oct 16th (that's tomorrow) at Church of Boston. [9pm / 21+ / $10] If you are in the city and looking for a solid night of music - this is a great option. I encourage you to add this band to your watch list.