Our Media Host Shuts us Down

WE ARE SHUT DOWN!!! - It's only fair that we keep you updated... Our Media host (we use 'em just for our mp3 storage and hosting) has suspended our prepaid account because we are supposedly violating our "adjusted/new" account agreement. Did we violate some law? Did we do anything immoral or unethical? No.
The terms of this new agreement, according to Technical Supprots, says that RSL cannot store media that isn't actively hosted or linked to on the website... The reason this is so shocking to me is that I was never notified of the new terms of "our" agreement. Besides, I never would have "agreed" to this foolish stipulation. It may be time to find a new home - we were actually in the process of making plans to move the site on to this company's servers!
The terms of this new agreement, according to Technical Supprots, says that RSL cannot store media that isn't actively hosted or linked to on the website... The reason this is so shocking to me is that I was never notified of the new terms of "our" agreement. Besides, I never would have "agreed" to this foolish stipulation. It may be time to find a new home - we were actually in the process of making plans to move the site on to this company's servers!
screenshot at http://www.readyhosting.com

Burlington, MA's Readyhosting.com
you're kidding, right?!?

Burlington, MA's Readyhosting.com
you're kidding, right?!?
The terms of our account
* 100 GB Web space
* 1000 GB data transfer
* Unlimited mailboxes
* ShopSite Starter
* Web-based e-mail
* 5 MySQL Databases
* 24/7 customer support
* FTP access
* ASP support
* Web site statistics
* FrontPage 2003 extensions
* 100 GB Web space
* 1000 GB data transfer
* Unlimited mailboxes
* ShopSite Starter
* Web-based e-mail
* 5 MySQL Databases
* 24/7 customer support
* FTP access
* ASP support
* Web site statistics
* FrontPage 2003 extensions
CHECK OUT THIS LOGIC: I called up and decided that rather than to fight with them, I would do my best to accommodate their demands. I asked them to identify the files they had issue with. They could not.
They then said the best way to rectify the "problem" was for me to access my files through FTP... Well, get this - they have blocked my FTP access as well. So, I can get things fixed by simply removing files I can't see or access!
Near the end of the conversation, I calmly and politely (it wasn't easy) asked the Tech if he could kindly just restore the service (tons of bandwidth already paid for await us) - so that maybe we could work together to resolve any problems. You catch more flies with honey, right? Well, the guys told me he has no ability to restore my account, he's outside the country. So why is he even there to answer my phone call?! And the RSL's media hosting is, consequently, still down. I cannot believe this - up until now I have had a very good working relationship with this company. I even did a pilot study with them volunteering to do some user testing for their new SEO software and programs. And THIS is how they repay us!

It's like Mediamax and EzArchive all over again...
Isn't there somebody out there who can host media right?!
How YOU can help us!:
1. Spread the word through your social networks about this problem. All you need to know: READYHOSTING is the service and we are RYAN'S SMASHING LIFE. Maybe we can get someone's attention.
2. Somebody please get me some name for a GREAT, AFFORDABLE MEDIA HOST and fast! I am paid up with Readyhosting but will definitely bail if this doesn't get completely resolved.
1. Spread the word through your social networks about this problem. All you need to know: READYHOSTING is the service and we are RYAN'S SMASHING LIFE. Maybe we can get someone's attention.
2. Somebody please get me some name for a GREAT, AFFORDABLE MEDIA HOST and fast! I am paid up with Readyhosting but will definitely bail if this doesn't get completely resolved.
I'm sure it would be much cheaper.
You can also check out Amazon S3. I doubt they would shut you down.
The problem is that record companies often send you songs to play while other departments in the same company issue complaints to the media hosts.
Matador likes to do that. I call it "controlled leakes". They get you to play the song the week they need the attention and then get rid of it when it's time to sell the MP3.
The good news: New content at http://ryanssmashinglife.com