Newport Folkin'
Much to Celebrate at Newport Folk 50

Marvis Staples was one of the standout performers this year
photograph by Chris Strong

Marvis Staples was one of the standout performers this year
photograph by Chris Strong
Mavis Staples - "We Shall Not Be Moved"
ALIVE IN RHODE ISLAND - I just wanted to assure you all (more than a few have noticed it's been an unreal 48 hours since we posted) that we are very much still alive and kickin'. Sean and I are at the Newport Folk Festival and wrapping things up here today and returning to Boston. We ran into a whole lot of computer issues (unforseen and very much unwelcome) but that has done little to dampen our spirits. I have just experienced the best weekend of live music in my entire life. The number of tremendous artists I have seen perform live has been astonishing. The venue is gorgeous - seriously worth the trip alone. (Newport, RI is beautiful.) The fans have been embraced by the artists who have seen their stock rise by playing this 50th Anniversary show. Everyone is happy to be here. Everyone (including the artists) have been entertained.

A HEAD START - You will be reading about it and seeing the images later this week. The amount of media we have to sort through is daunting. (Not sure how many hundreds of photos Sean has taken, but the ones I have seen have been ultra-impressive - to say the least!) I also need to sort out my thoughts, memories and emotions. If you are looking for a headstart, please checkout the RSL Music Blog Twitter page. My thoughts are locked, moments in time in chronological order!

For a music nut, this weekend has been a dream come true. The planners (who I have invited as readers and thanked personnaly) have done yeoman's work here - and have ensured a new generation of Folkies will return. This is the greatest year of the Festival, of this I am convinced... Or perhaps the best is next year's? Signing off for now, Joan Baez is playing now. (An Elvis Costello cover.) Elvis Perkins will be up soon. It's been a magical weekend of music - days filled with beauty and transition. And lots of smiles. I must soon say goodbye to Newport... but there's still miles to go before I sleep....