Seven Mary Three to Play Boston EarthFest 2009
BOSTON NEWS: They aren't even the headliners, but they are most certainly the spotlight band for this music blogger! Excellent music news in Boston this week - the reborn Seven Mary Three will be part of the free 92.9fm Earthfest Celebration at the Hatch Shell in Boston on May 30th.
RSL Seal of Approval :: Seven Mary Three in Boston

Now before we go too much further, we will address your questions. Yes, this is very much the same Seven Mary Three that did that grunge rock grinder, "Cumbersome" and they also did that other one you know, "Water's Edge." And, you know what? I would quickly trade both of those tracks away in (an easy sacrifice... ) to hear only the band's new songs...

Jason Ross' Seven Mary Three are older and certainly wiser. The band have clearly turned a corner that is critical in their creative rebirth. Their engines now fired, they are making some impressive music. We recommend Seven Mary Three's newest album, Day & Nightdriving (2008.) This album's 12 emotive tracks completely won us over resulting in a positive review; "RSL Best of 2008: Seven Mary Three." What to expect during this Free Concert: Alt-Country steeped pop ballads are on the menu these days. The new songs are altruistic, sophisticated and full of feeling - and what more could you really want?