VIRAL VIDEO selection - Psycho Killer
Viral Video, bringing you the best and the bizzare...
A dramatic 25-year-old guy with pink checkered pants, an Indian headress and too much time on his hands. The guy definitely has a penchant for doing David Byrne of the Talking Heads...!
So I can't leave you with just that... I wanted to find the very best Heads video of "Psycho Killer" out there. I skipped over the home movie version (that was too easy). It came down to a black&white minimalism video from 1975/1976 filmed at CBGBs and this one: The video link that follows will take you to an amazing clip filmed for Italian television in old Roma circa 1980 in front of an adoring crowd. It's too good not to share. Check out Jerry Harrison's jean jacket! O, tres chic. I can't embed this one since there's copyright issues. But please do check it out - this one's smokin' hot: Head live in Rome - on YouTube.

A couple notes: (1) The guy in the pink pants moves/dances like Langhorne Slim (2) Another local band, Muy Cansado ( a great Psycho Killer cover.
It must be something in that Boston water - other than dirt.
[editorially yours,]