Dropkick Murphys at the Hard Rock Las Vegas

The Hard Rock Cafe Las Vegas - Poolside -
Setting for last night's smokin' Murphys show
I am going to apologize with an explanation: I'm a music fan and a writer - - I have a nice camera but I don't even pretend to be a great photog, but I try. Secondly, I want to tell you that this was one helluva difficult show to capture on film. The layout of the venue is beautiful, but it is designed (it seems) to preclude you from getting great shots. The best images are from right in front of the stage. At a Dropkick show, this is where the pushing and shoving are going on... *
Even though I had a photo pass - Hard Rock security booted me from this area after just a couple of shots. There was just so much pushing and fighting around, they didn't want the distraction - I guess. But I did capture a ton of landscape and crowd shots. And anyone that attend a Dropkick show will tell you - the crowd, and the way they react to the songs, is the very essence of the fun.
Even though I had a photo pass - Hard Rock security booted me from this area after just a couple of shots. There was just so much pushing and fighting around, they didn't want the distraction - I guess. But I did capture a ton of landscape and crowd shots. And anyone that attend a Dropkick show will tell you - the crowd, and the way they react to the songs, is the very essence of the fun.

This one sold out or was very close.
Dropkicks fans are everywhere.

I got this great stage shot of Al Barr singing with the crowd.
After that, I was pushed out of the security strip - photo pass and all.

Sigh... I had such high hopes for this shot.
I wanted to frame the band in this shot with the violet stage light.
A fight broke out next to me broke out and caused me to move. *
There were a lot of Boston jerseys and Red Sox hats in the crowd

11 pm - 88 degrees - Just another night at the Hard Rock Las Vegas

11 pm - 88 degrees - Just another night at the Hard Rock Las Vegas

The Dropkicks head west to San Francisco today - and some upcoming dates with Sick of It All. Many nights are - predictably - sold out. The band is tighter than its ever been. Last night in Las Vegas was one hell of a show.
HOT NEWS: The Murphys just inked a deal to play three dates with the Bosstones in New England. Tickets are on sale today. Get in on this one people! Details are below:
HOT NEWS: The Murphys just inked a deal to play three dates with the Bosstones in New England. Tickets are on sale today. Get in on this one people! Details are below:
