Pieces of Shrapnel - Cold War Kids
Some exciting new developments here today. The RSL circle grows wider.
Today I pick up the pen for the Berkeley Place Blog
Step over there today and FEEL some of the Cold War Kids tracks.
Here's something for you to nibble on. The rest are at Berkeley Place.
It's quite an honor writing for such a cool blog - and one I have not taken lightly. Do your best and get over there immediately! I hope to do more posts for the page soon.
Speaking of the Cold War Kids, I perused their homepage two days ago and was delighted to see that one of my very own pictures has been dressed up and is being showcased on the page... Voila:

(tiny version for publication purposes)
Look familiar? It's a picture of Jonnie from CWK taken in front of the mural painted on the wall outside the world famous Middle East in Central Square It also happens to be the picture to your immediate right. (Shift thine eyes to the east for just a moment please...)
The picture has been turned into a super cool CWK show poster for one of the band's Manhattan shows. The band will be playing in Boston again on Oct. 28 - this time at the Paradise.
Daytrotter has a quality interview with Cold War Kids bassist Matt Maust.
Look familiar? It's a picture of Jonnie from CWK taken in front of the mural painted on the wall outside the world famous Middle East in Central Square It also happens to be the picture to your immediate right. (Shift thine eyes to the east for just a moment please...)
The picture has been turned into a super cool CWK show poster for one of the band's Manhattan shows. The band will be playing in Boston again on Oct. 28 - this time at the Paradise.
Daytrotter has a quality interview with Cold War Kids bassist Matt Maust.
You should read it.
In case you didn't know Matt Maust is the talented soul behind the graphic art adorning the band's albums and website. (And for the collage work done on my photograph... I love it when a blog comes full circle.)
TOMORROW - rsl exclusive interview
Meet the man behind the coolest Cold War Kids video project yet!
Watch the amazing CWK video and check out the latest video projects from the production company. Hear first hand what it's like to work with exciting new bands. Friends, this is what they call a teaser.
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