Thanking Charles Bradley

Photographic Evidence 
by 5342 Studios

Charles Bradley at Newport Folk
Fort Adams State Park
Newport, RI 
Sun July 29, 2012

Seems like we're doing a disproportionate amount of saying-our-goodbyes to all the good ones these days. It's incredibly sad to lose Charles Bradley. But to lose him during the context of today's cultural strife, this revived racism and all the social anxiety that politics can provide; .. well it just seems extraordinarily cruel. 

A Legend who touched the lives of three generations of fans and fellow musicians over his impressive career, I can't help but listen and conclude he still had more to offer us. And while I didn't know the man personally, I have loved his music, witnessed his live shows and got to feel "the cheer" up close. Both Bradley's set and his spirit were incredibly contagious.. He emanated a quiet joy. 

These images were captured by 5342 Studios during the first of Charles' appearances at Newport Folk. It was the summer of 2012. Charles was a beloved figure, but especially so this day.  And all it took was to watch his exchanges with his fellow creators (almost all of their faces young and wide with smiles) to know this was a guy who got it. Seeing Charles Bradley channel energy to and from a crowd of like minded music lovers is something I will never, ever, forget. Thank you Charles Bradley." - Ryan Spaulding

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