High Fascination - The Outlaw Roadshow Video Session!

BREAKING SOUNDS - In their first appearance at this year's Outlaw Roadshow New York in October, High Fascination, wowed audiences - but perhaps most importantly, they appeared to have wowed all the musicians and players in the crowd. The band have been a mainstay on The Outlaw Roadshow radio program in throughout the Summer. The band's  2016 - music blogger Ryan Spaulding having found their music submission in his inbox. 

"This band is building a really kind of lovely pop aesthetic that is reaching people. Out front in pop but they clearly have an appreciation of folk and of the history of music. Andrew Weiss (singer, songwriter) is very clever," said Spaulding "We're working with so many great bands, so this shouldn't be taken lightly: I'm expecting really big things from these guys on the road ahead. They're really talented players with so much out in front of them and we're damn lucky to have found them." 

One To Watch - In this session, High Fascination; Andrew Weiss, Mark McIntyre, Eddie Matthews, Amir Mortezai and Sam Gautier, are surrounded by the original paintings from artist Felipe Molina

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MORE TO COME: All footage shot for this year's Outlaw Roadshow in New York are the work of Ehud Lazin of SBGIt has been a joy to work with someone as passionate about new music and historic performances as we are. We want you to share Ehud's videos to the world! 


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