The Latest from Ryan Hamilton

INDIE SONGWRITER - RYAN HAMILTON, vocalist, guitar player and keyboardist for the bands People On Vacation and Smile Smile, has announced a new album out in just a few days with this lead single, "Karaoke With No Crowd" celebrated today with this fun new lric video.

When last we spoke with Hamilton it was when he played The Outlaw Roadshow Austin - a time that found him at the beginning of this album's process, prior to a pair of tours across the Atlantic to the UK where he's been winning a solid following. He spoke about going out on his own and writing new material. "It's something that has always been in the back of my mind, but I wanted to wait until the time was right. Now that it's here and it's happening, I decided to do something different. Something real. We tracked everything old school and live. No auto tune, or copying and pasting. Real sounds and live performances. I can't wait for people to hear these new songs!"

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