Foreign Fields added to The Outlaw Roadshow!

ELECTRONIC//FOLK MAGIC - Foreign Fields hail from the wintry plains of Wisconsin. New Years day of last year they met in their hometown, in an abandoned office building, to begin work on their first full length LP "Anywhere But Where I Am". Having no set plan or guide, the album grew naturally as they left their lives in Chicago for hot summer days, skipping stones in the rivers of Tennessee. The band, who toured the United States with Counting Crows last summer on The Outlaw Roadshow Summer Tour, also just released a 5 song live EP recorded in a round one night on tour after a show in Tuscaloosa. The album showcases Foreign Fields' harmonies and unique instrumentation in an even more intimate setting. Along with the audio, they also released a 3 video playlist to accompany.
FANS - RSVP to the Outlaw Roadshow today, it's free. You will find no better collection of music in one place, and at this price. That's our guarantee to you! MEDIA - For Interview opportunities with Foreign Fields at The Outlaw Roadshow, please write "outlaws (@)"