Memories from the JP Music Festival

Photographic Evidence
by Hannah Cohen 

Editorial and Documentary photographer
based in Boston -

THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN RETURNS FOR A THIRD YEAR - A couple of things came to mind as I approached the Pine Banks Hill for the JP Music Festival. The first was what a stunningly beautiful day it was and the next was how far this little, root-orientated, not-for-profit, self-starter of a music festival had come in just three years. The field and hill were loaded with people. Families who wanted to attend a free show with some of Boston's brightest musicians on a sunny day - and community members of all sorts who were there to cheer on friends and neighbors and to have a ice cream in the sun. A lot of music (continuous music for hours and hours) and the groundwork has been laid for the strongest and most promising of futures!

2013 Acts included: Lowman, Red Dog, Allison Francis, Afro D All Starz, Jesse & The Hogg Brothers, What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?, Peter Sykes, Hobo Chili, Coyote Kolb, The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library, Merrie Amsterburg, Rick Berlin with the Nickel and Dime Band, The Long Woods, Bethel A.M.E. Praise & Worship Team, Lars Vegas, Lenny Lashley’s Gang of One, Tallahassee, Kim Mayo, The Grownup Noise, Streight Angular and The Macrotones.

This year was their best ever!
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