YOU WON'T joins The Outlaw Roadshow!
Confirmed to Play!
JUST MAGIC - Josh Arnoudse and Raky Sastri have been working with each other on theater, film and now - music projects for the better part of the last 12 years. Their quirky pop music project together is called YOU WON'T and it's one of the most dynamic, fun and theatrical stage slots I've seen in ages. The pair of creators released debuted, "Skeptic Goodbye," last February and have been building up speed ever since.
Raky and Josh are always doing the unexpected! At last fall's Outlaw Roadshow in New York, You Won't brought a wind chime out on stage and incorporated it into their already dynamic set. Fun is the order of the day when these two play! Adam Duritz and I are are very proud to present You Won't once again on an Outlaw Roadshow in Austin, TX. This is a set you are not going to want to miss!
Shervin Lainez photo