DANIEL AND THE LION join The Outlaw Roadshow!
Confirmed to Play!

THE OUTLAW ROADSHOW is, first and foremost, about the exploration of music and culture. It's a road that never ends and hopefully along the way we discover many, many amazing artists. This is one of them today. I'm not sure I can count how many live sets were attended last year, or the tally of digital downloads I received from publicists around the country. What I do know is that the best new act I heard in 2012 was DANIEL AND THE LION.
It's appropriate that I tell this story in an Outlaw Roadshow artist announcement, because it was the week I hung out with Outlaw Roadshow co-producer Adam Duritz in New York (for October's two day show) that the greatness of this Wisconsin duo came into frame. Jimmie Linville and Daniel Pingrey are the types of fellows that you meet and remember. They've got good energy and charisma. But they're also hopelessly nerdy. Over the course of a few days the lot of us; Adam, Daniel And The Lion and our ragtag band of music and blog friends, experienced a tremendous live music experience unfold at The Outlaw NY. It's the kind of thing you did in college, meeting people like that. Casual and cool. Engaging and inspired. There was a lot of laughing. We made some good friends.
But then it got to show time. Something wild and untamed got unleashed in their set. The volume never got out of hand, but there was a fiery intensity... Linville and Pingrey will likely play together for the rest of their lives. (It's that kind of intensity.) And then it was over. Beautiful, ethereal and entertaining - the set hung with me for weeks. The pair released an Amazing album in '12 called Death's Head. It was released in two parts. You need to own it. This is an artist introduction you will be thanking us for down the road. Very Highly Recommended.