The Importance of One Night Band

The View from Boston 

Photographic Evidence
by Melissa Zeigler

THE LASTING IMPACT AND GROWING LEGEND OF ONE NIGHT BAND - In September, 40 Boston musicians (some of them relative strangers to one another despite their regular close proximity) were drawn together for all the right reasons. They arrive at The Middle East in Cambridge in the morning are are randomly divided and recombined into new bands and were tasked to create a clutch of songs to be learned in one day and performed that night. At the end of the evening, a few hundred music fans had been entertained, 40 band members had a real once-in-a-lifetime music event and more than $3,200 had been raised for music charities; split between Zumix and the Girls Rock: Boston Campaign. That's a big score but perhaps the biggest winner, as with each year, was the overall community.

Keith Pierce of One Night Band "Snugglz"

Will Dailey of One Night Band "Caress"

Walter Sickert of One Night Band "Grandfather Time Bomb"

The well-organized event fosters a sense of community - a sense of music fellowship, that is hard to come by otherwise in the is busy internet-paced world.  There were, predictably, smiles all night long. The lasting impacts of this night are tangible. The evening becomes a reference point for the year; "Remember the One Night from last year? ..." and something much more; "That's the night I finally got a chance to meet ...." Lasting friendships - and sometimes even future music projects are born on these nights. The fact that each player can only play once and the audience is generally made up of One Night alumni helps charge the room with energy and foster the best creativity these acts can muster.

Peter Moore of One Night Band "Big Head Big Ears"

Adam Anderson of One Night Band "The Walls"

These are just a few of the many reasons why I can't say enough good things about Boston's One Night Band. It's kind of magic. 

The Participants for 2012's 
Aaron Perrino
Aaron Silverstein
Abram Taber
Adam Anderson
Alison Murray
Annie Hoffman
Bob Maloney
Bryan Hinkley
Candace Clement
Caroline Toth
Chris Toppin
Dave Stoops
Elena Siegman
Eric Edmonston
Eric Ramsley
Evelyn Pope
Jared Egan
Jay Allen
Joshua Pickering
Keith Pierce
Kristina Parish
Kyle Rasmussen
Mariam Saleh
Matt Parish
Melanie Bernier
Molly Zenobia
Nate Rogers
Nazli Green
Nicholas Giadone Ward
Peter Moore
Rafi Sofer
Reuben Bettsak
Sharon Crumrine
Steve Lord
Ted Billings
Theresa Polk
Todd Sampson
Walter Sickert
Will Dailey


Sir Vix-A-Lot 
Impossible Stairs

Dave Stoops of One Night Band "Lesbian Frankenstein"


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