Counting Crows on Good Morning America
Moments Locked in Time
Broadcast Across the Planet!
Helping to Kick off The Outlaw Roadshow Summer Tour, Counting Crows appeared before a massive international televised audience - playing a free show in Central Park NYC on Friday. *Our pal Adam Duritz has a great taste in clothes!
The Outlaw Roadshow summer tour is now underway - check all the announced dates below. More still to come: the third leg (now being finalized) includes west coast dates and southern shows - taking the roadshow to almost every geographic area in the contiguous 48 states. This will be one of the big success stories of 2012 and it all started right here...
both videos recorded from the live broadcast from Central Park on Friday

free band-approved download - photo: Counting Crows at SxSW 2012
Counting Crows