Foreign Fields join The Outlaw Roadshow
Confirmed to Play!
What's Coming This Summer - Counting Crows are taking The Outlaw Roadshow on the road with them this Summer! That means amazing exposure opportunities for emerging talent and will provide the best live show possibilities for fans. You literally will see Counting Crows and the best supporting acts this country can offer. Fans should arrive early to these shows - every band was hand-selected. There are no throwaways.
Facts About the Tour - There are 3 legs to the tour starting in June and going all the way thru September. The tour was designed to hit every area of the country and to get out of the dense traditional venues and get into a proper setting for the fans to enjoy a night of music... The goal was to put on the best shows of everyone's lives.
"We handpicked every venue ourselves to get out of the cookie cutter places & into cooler outdoor gigs that WE wanted to play & we're pretty sure YOU are gonna dig," said Adam Duritz. "But the best part of all is that we're taking THE OUTLAW ROADSHOW on the road with us to bring all OUR favorite new bands to YOU. This summer COUNTING CROWS & RYAN'S SMASHING LIFE Present THE OUTLAW ROADSHOW!! On The Road and Everywhere You Are -- All Summer Long!!!"
ELECTRO FOLK FROM WISCONSIN - Foreign Fields is an electronic folk duo that hails from the wintry plains of Wisconsin. New Years day of last year they met in their hometown, in an abandoned office building, to begin work on their first full length LP "Anywhere But Where I Am". Having no set plan or guide, the album grew naturally as they left their lives in Chicago for hot summer days, skipping stones in the rivers of Tennessee.

Foreign Fields self-released their album January first of this year and it has since gone on to receive considerable attention and praise without any outside help. In March they recorded a session with Daytrotter and played The Outlaw Roadshow that Adam Duritz and I put together this year.
(Editor's Note: SxSW was an outstanding week of personal and professional achievement for the members Foreign Fields, who arrived in Austin to play as "Flights." Soon thereafter the decision to change their name was made. *Our poster from Austin this year is a hipster's poster collector's dream - it has the original name of the band.)

Let's talk about the music. Adam and I were floored by the recordings and we did something nobody does - we invited the band to play our festival stage, sight-unseen. Our audiences were so unbelievably rewarded. The two of us got to be friends with the band. They're good, hard working creative kids. The tranquil, beautiful mood music they make is forever soft... I find I am still unready for its power. We both left Austin knowing we would work with these guys again. We just didn't realize it would be so soon! A true diamond find!