FILLIGAR joins The Outlaw Roadshow
Confirmed to Play!
What's Coming This Summer - Counting Crows are taking RSL's The Outlaw Roadshow on the road with them this Summer! That means amazing exposure opportunities for emerging talent and will provide the best live show possibilities for fans. You literally will see Counting Crows and the best supporting acts this country can offer. Fans should arrive early to these shows - every band was hand-selected. There are no throwaways.
"We handpicked every venue ourselves to get out of the cookie cutter places & into cooler outdoor gigs that WE wanted to play & we're pretty sure YOU are gonna dig," said Adam Duritz. "But the best part of all is that we're taking THE OUTLAW ROADSHOW on the road with us to bring all OUR favorite new bands to YOU. This summer COUNTING CROWS & RYAN'S SMASHING LIFE Present THE OUTLAW ROADSHOW!! On The Road and Everywhere You Are -- All Summer Long!!!"

ON THE ROAD WITH COUNTING CROWS - For those who have followed The Outlaw Roadshow the last few years, music fans who have watched Adam & I rain platitudes down on Chicago's Filligar - this announcement probably doesn't come as much of a surprise. (You know how damn good, how fun this band are!) For the uninitiated, let me tell you this: Filligar is absolutely one of the best live bands in America today. Fact. And now, Filligar will have played The Outlaw Roadshow in every incarnation: In NY, twice in Austin and now on the road with Counting Crows.
I have listened to Filligar at least once a week, every week for a couple years now. That's because so many of their songs are on my driving and work mixes.. They have become a part of my life. That's what The Outlaw Roadshow is all about -- taking music that's new to our fans and readers, sharing and watching the relationships grow. In this regard, Filligar - who are one of the most very best young bands in America - are about to become one of your favorites, too!
