Band of Skulls - Bruises
Another New Song Leak
The World's Best Rock Band

13-Mar TUE Austin, TX Antone's
16-Mar FRI Houston, TX Fitzgerald's
17-Mar SAT Dallas, TX Granada Theater
19-Mar MON Atlanta, GA Variety Playhouse
20-Mar TUE Nashville, TN Cannery Ballroom
22-Mar THU New York, NY Webster Hall
23-Mar FRI Philadelphia, PA Union Transfer
24-Mar SAT Washington, DC 9:30 Club
26-Mar MON Boston, MA Paradise Rock Club
27-Mar TUE Brooklyn, NY Music Hall of Williamsburg
28-Mar WED Providence, RI The Met
30-Mar FRI Toronto, ONT Phoenix Concert Theatre
31-Mar SAT Montreal, QC Corona Theatre
2-Apr MON Detroit, MI St. Andrew's Hall
3-Apr TUE Chicago, IL House of Blues
4-Apr WED Minneapolis, MN Fine Line
6-Apr FRI Denver, CO Ogden Theatre
7-Apr SAT Salt Lake City, UT The Complex (Grand Room)
9-Apr MON Seattle, WA Neptune
10-Apr TUE Vancouver, BC Commodore Ballroom
11-Apr WED Portland, OR Dante's
12-Apr THU San Francisco, CA The Fillmore
* We Are Augustines Support All Dates