Black Veil Brides

The Metal Report
All New: Music Video

BRAND NEW MUSIC VIDEO - Black Veil Brides just premiered a brand new video for “The Legacy” directed by Patrick Fogarty) from their upcoming release Set The World On Fire (out on June 14th.) Do you like to watch?? Check it out!

One to Watch: Black Veil Brides

BVB Official / Fb / Tw / My


Like the tune .. their get up is a bit much though.
xsuarez said…
This band is just an example of new glam. They are an offense to metal, but power to them for doing this. Like any kind of glam they are just a trend. From their generic sounds to their lack of expertise and technical ability, this bands proves that glam is the sell out of metal. I guess at the end of the day they are laughing all the way back to the bank, so yeah.
Anonymous said…
emo + motley crue

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