The Poison Tree
New Music this Week!
Someone You Should Know

Technically speaking, the song for the video you are about to watch; (And watch it you will,) won't be released for another ten weeks (or thereabouts - it's late and I'm not doing the math). But I am very anxiously awaiting it. This is The Poison Tree, the voice of Sam Salad and friends and what is about to unfold is just cinematic. How appropriate then that Pierre Bonnenuit's video for "My Only Friend" would use a tense sequence (shot brilliantly) by Orson Wells [Touch of Evil] some 53 years ago. The pacing is so key. (track without the video.) The self-titled album debuts March 15.
In the Arist's Own Words: "There's a pain to these songs, a carefree kind of despair, and an honesty that can hurt to listen to. These are the songs a teenager would write, if that teenager happened to be a connoisseur of heartbreak. If that teenager could see into the future—see all the way, past the setbacks and the self-discovery and the sweetness and the terror—the result might sound something like The Poison Tree."