Rock n Roll Sunshine
New Music this Week!
Someone You Should Know

One to Watch 2010: the new sound out of Buffalo, NY
EXCITING NEW MUSIC - Rolling into Boston sometime over the next few hours for the inevitable music bedlam that accompanies great rock bands on the rise, Buffalo's Son of the Sun are someone you should get to know. My immediate thought on listening to the band is that their a cross of two of my all-time favorite bands: Band of Skulls (the amazing new British atmospheric rock trio I have fallen for in a very big way the last 12 months) and the semi-retired Greenhornes (whose percussion and base were stolen by Jack White and Brendan Benson to form The Raconteurs.
As is the case with many musically familiar modern bands, the players from The Raconteurs and The Greenhornes dipped from the well of bands like The Animals and The Zombies and The Kinks. .So there is a clear British Invasion element here (which I have found, historically, irresistible - if done well) but I digress. Son of the Sun have a brand new album and it falls into the familiar, loving recesses of this listener's mind.
NEW: The Franklin by sonofthesunmusic
The Happy Loss (to which you are listening as you read these words) was co-produced by Mike Brown and the band. It was recorded in part at Temperamental Recordings in Geneseo, NY and mixed by Alan Weatherhead (Sparklehorse, Camper Van Beethoven, Cracker) at Sound of Music Recording Studios in Richmond, VA.
Son of the Sun
Somerville, MA
Saturday 7/10/10
Saturday 7/10/10