Thick Shakes EP on Cassette
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Someone You Should Know
Someone You Should Know

Beneath these Quiet Exteriors lies a Monstrous Band

Beneath these Quiet Exteriors lies a Monstrous Band
LO-FI SOUND, GOOD TIMES, ROLL - It's the Thick Shakes you are hearing. The rumble of a metering drum, the electric fuzz of guitar and the breathy throwback voice of a lounge singer fill the ears - it's a sexy sound... especially when mixed with a little punk soul. Thick Shakes are a Boston act to know about these days. Their new EP Ooh Mommy, released on Austin-based Snugglehound Records, was recorded by Jerry MacDonald on 16-track tape using a bunch of homemade phone mics. As with most under-produced, unclean copy, real characteristics of the band shine through. This is inventive, quality low fi - done right.

OOH MOMMY - This one's available both for free download and streaming at their website, or available on cassette only at shows. It will be unleashed Tonight at PA's Lounge in Somerville, MA. The lineup includes a smorgasbord of talented indie rockers: 2009 Best of Artists pick Hands & Knees, the red-hot Girlfriends and Quilt. This would be a great one to attend, even if there wasn't going to be cassette tapes ($5) offered up. Kick ass Thick Shakes!