Dawn Landes knocks 'em Dead

Photographic Evidence & Live Review
by Sean Hafferty & Jen Peterson

Club Passim of Cambridge, MA - 1/19/10

Last Night at Club Passim

Dawn Landes' new album is Sweet Heart Rodeo
all photos by RSL's Sean Hafferty

A NIGHT AT CLUB PASSIM - Danielle Doyle opened it up, warming the crowd with her sultry alt-country. Her voice haunted the intimate venue with stories sung in a vaguely Irish lilt. At one point, she also busted out a ukulele. She’ll be performing Thursday night at the Lizard Lounge – definitely recommended (if you can’t make it to Great Scott, of course.) Her LP The Cartographer’s Wife is forthcoming and is available for pre-order directly from the Lovely Ms Doyle.

RSL Streaming Photo Album
Dawn Landes at Club Passim 1-19-10

DAWN LANDES & THE HOUNDS - However awesome you think Dawn Landes is, multiply it by eleventy billion. Her energy and charm were surpassed only by her stunning vocals, which could trickle like a clear stream one moment and blow you away like a full-blast fire hose the next. Ray Rizzo and Josh Kaufmanthe Hounds – played a helluva show, picking up and laying down instruments and tempos like runners gold-medal Americana relay. Their frisky cover of Woodie Guthrie’s “Who’s Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Feet,” blew me away—actually reminded me of the fabulous Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem! The palpable stage chemistry between these artists reinvented the songs before our eyes and ears. “Money in the Bank” surged with fierce passion I didn’t get from the album; “Dance Area” (written by the amazing Josh Kaufman) bloomed with a playfulness absent from the Rodeo version. If you can catch them live, DO IT. You won’t be disappointed! They can’t play Boston again fast enough for me. Them folks are just plain fun!

January 21 - Fairfield, CT
January 22 - New York, NY
Mercury Lounge
January 23 - Arlington, VA
Iota Club and Cafe
January 25 - Louisville, KY
January 26 - Indianapolis, IN
Radio Radio*
January 27 - Nashville, TN
Mercy Lounge*
January 28 - Knoxville, TN
Barley’s Taproom*
January 29 - Asheville, NC
The Grey Eagle*
January 30 - Carrboro, NC
The Arts Center*
January 31 - Atlanta, GA
Eddies Attic*
February 1 - Mobile, AL
February 3 - San Antonio, TX
Sam’s Burger Joint*
February 4 - Austin, TX
February 5 - Houston, TX
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck*
February 6 - Dallas, TX
Granada Theatre**
February 9 - Chicago, IL
Beat Kitchen

*Supporting Justin Townes Earle
**Supporting Justin Townes Earle & Chris Knight

Dawn Landes
Web / Myspace


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