Hating on Hipsters + (Rampant) Marijuana Use in Massachusetts
Sometimes Papers should get Props
Sometimes Papers should get Props

How Does One Know When You Have Gone too Far? - That's the perspective, I suppose, when it comes to hipsterdom. I almost named today's piece, "Grrrrrr Hipsters," to salute an article in today's Boston Globe that describes the steps on how to identify and hunt hipsters (no foul play endorsed)... A bit tongue-in-cheek, the sentiment of the piece is that little in life, save perhaps death, is worse than a hipster... A really fun lifestyle piece from the Globe. Highly recommended!
Today the Boston Herald ran a piece culled from comments being made by some state and local law enforcement officials frustrated by their relative emasculation at the hands of the newly passed pro-pot legislation. (In the eyes of many, the new laws pretty much constitute decriminalization of the drug.) Last year's referendum vote made the possession of less than an ounce of pot in Massachusetts result in a measly misdemeanor offense (a $100 ticket.) Just in case you outsiders are paying attention - it's practically legal to possess (not grow, sell or distribute) pot now. This one was put on the ballot through a grassroots initiative to collect signatures. The public stood by it's initiative and when the voting came, turnout was high and decisive... Sixty-five percent of the voters supported the $100 ticket initiative versus the alternative of having small amounts of marijuana be a criminal offense. But now that the initiative is a reality, police complain that many of those ticketed are electing not to pay the fines. There is no currently little or no financial or criminal penalties in place to enforce the ticket. Hence the debate.
Ch-Ch Changes: We predict that there will continue to be fewer tickets written against users here in Massachusetts. But word is that some anti-pot constituents in the state swear that they are rushing to introduce legislation that would reel in the referendum law! The comments of Herald readers (more than 300 of them wrote in today....) are extraordinarily interesting. A poll on the Herald website also asks readers to anonymously weigh in on the pot legality issue.
Ch-Ch Changes: We predict that there will continue to be fewer tickets written against users here in Massachusetts. But word is that some anti-pot constituents in the state swear that they are rushing to introduce legislation that would reel in the referendum law! The comments of Herald readers (more than 300 of them wrote in today....) are extraordinarily interesting. A poll on the Herald website also asks readers to anonymously weigh in on the pot legality issue.