Mastodon tore apart the House of Blues
Last Thursday was not the usual night out for Boston’s metal fans. Mastodon, the Atlanta based progressive metal group (definitely one of America's best metal bands in 2009) - played an incredible 2 and a half hour show at the House of Blues. The first pulse-pounding set was dominated by a front-to-back telling of Mastodon's hot new album, Crack the Skye. The result was an utterly dark and completely euphoric evening at the HOB. This clearly pleased the near-sellout crowd all of whom responded with collective head banging energy and fists in the air.
Mastodon owned the House of Blues last week

Their Reputation Grows: Now on the Shockhound tour, Mastodon provided an awesome display of incredible visceral power. They have become a household name in the metal scene since hitting the charts in 2002 with their first album Remission. They went on to release Leviathan in 2004 and Blood Mountain in 2006. Mastodon has topped numerous end of year lists and have had much royal treatment with the press and mainstream publications. With performances like the one here in Boston, it's easy to understand why!
VIDEO: Mastodon "Colony of Birchmen"
5/7/2009 - live at the House of Blues Boston
Boston Phoenix YouTube
5/7/2009 - live at the House of Blues Boston
Boston Phoenix YouTube
Best known for incorporating elements of power metal, hardcore, thrash and prog, the Grammy-nominated Mastodon have seen their reputation grow before their very eyes. Their latest album Crack The Skye, as many expected, is simply epic. With a screen on stage projecting dark images coinciding with every guitar lick and drum beat..., the band played the entire album from beginning to end perfectly.
HOB Boston Setlist

New Material: Crack the Skye (a tribute album dedicated to the late Skye Dailor, sister of Mastodon drummer Brann Dailor) entered the Billboard 200 at #11 just one week after its release. After completing the Crack The Skye set, the band took a brief break and came back out to blast the crowd with some of their older well known and loved material for those who were desperate to hear some classic hits.

A Massive Wall of Sound: As metal makes its way back into fashion Mastodon stays true to their rapid fire drums and skull crushing riffs, leaving the crowd with a pleasing feeling as if they just got theirs asses kicked by Mastodon.