Sold Out for a Very Good Reason
The Delta Spirit returns in a Very Big Way. You know, it used to be much easier to keep a really good secret. Actually, I think it's great that people are falling for San Diego's Delta Spirit. It's a band I have seen numerous times now and have promoted the hell out of on these pages (2007 Album of the Year, amongst others appearances...)

Delta Spirit
One of the Three Best Live Bands in America: In a post in which I recently lauded the amazing-ness of Cincinnati's Heartless Bastards (is amazing-ness a word?), I mentioned that HBs and Delta Spirit (along with NYC's Pela) were the three best live shows in America. I stand by those three (obvious) picks. And obviously, others are listening. This Friday's Delta Spirit show (2/20) at The Middle East (downstairs, of course) is completely sold out. Just for good measure, the New York show the next night (2/21) at the Bowery Ballroom is also sold out! If you are heading to either or even both of these two shows, have a blast - you are definitely one of the lucky ones.