Phil and the Osophers Tonight in Boston

One our Favorites Do-It-Yourself-ers Finally Arrives in Boston

Two Years Ago, not too long after this blog modestly opened its doors to the world.... I stumbled across the heartfelt music of Phil Radiotes - a talented DIYer who had a penchant for playing epic songs about everyday life and seemed to be having a lot of fun doing it. Artistry, Passion and Fun - I have since learned, don't always go hand in hand. Bands come and bands go - but two years later Phil is still performing as Phil and the Osophers. He's since added Kevin Estrada on drums - making the Osophers a two-piece act. They played at SxSW in Austin this year and toured the land - turning quite a few more heads since those early days.

Phil and the Osophers

Phil appears in town tonight, FINALLY, but I am really sick and won't be there for it.... Which is just tragic. The Osophers open up at the Middle East tonight for Boston's own Passion Pit (we just wrote about their EP release - they're wicked hot right now and highly recommended) and Les Savy Fav (web / myspace). If you are in Central Square Cambridge tonight - Plant yourself at the Middle East. Get to the show early enough to catch Phil in the act. You won't regret it.

Phil and the Osophers
Web - Myspace


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