The Motion Sick - Boston Residency in August @ Church
Boston's RED HOT August Residency - Free Shows!
The Motion Sick will play 4 FREE shows in Boston in August.
Your Destination on Wednesday nights this month is Church.

Your Destination on Wednesday nights this month is Church.
Beginning this very week, THE MOTION SICK - one of Boston's best live bands (a title we don't throw around too often or too lightly and certainly not without cause) is playing a series of weekly free shows during a month long residency at Church. Expect to hear songs from The Motion Sick's highly recommended new release: "The Truth will Catch You, Just Wait" (will be on the upcoming RSL Top Albums list for 2008, shhhhh!) I wouldn't put it beyond this band to cook up some new songs just for the occasion however.
If you don't know the Motion Sick, just realize that they are as entertaining on stage (Patrick don't break your guitar during your first solo!) as they are profoundly bright (very clever songwriting with witty subversive satirist lyrics). Also, having seen the band a few times now - they just keep getting better each time I see them. If this trend continues they could be the best live band in Boston at the end of the month - having played four consecutive Wednesdays in front of adoring live audiences!
New Release: Highly Recommended Album

FREE SHOWS: To demonstrate the band's desire to entertain and bring energy to Church, The Motion Sick have decided to run four theme nights this month... These "Ash Wednesdays" will have themes: like this Wednesday's "Splash Wednesday" in which beach themed regalia is encouraged! Upcoming Wednesdays in August? Try "Arthur Ashe" Wednesday - a tennis theme night, "Flash" Wednesday - calling all superheroes, and "Stache" Wednesday - A celebration of mustaches and facial hair... No I am not making this up!

This week's Splash Wednesday will also feature a special appearance
by Chicago's The Interiors - Check them out!
August 6th, 13, 20th and 27th at CHURCH.
The Motion Sick
Myspace / Web
August 6th, 13, 20th and 27th at CHURCH.
The Motion Sick
Myspace / Web