REVIEW: Radiohead @ the Comcast Center - 8/13/08
Stellar Night for A Live Show:

Radiohead put on one hell of a show last week @ the Comcast Center.
All Photos & Video captured 8/13/08 - Courtesy of Cole Kinsler

Radiohead put on one hell of a show last week @ the Comcast Center.
All Photos & Video captured 8/13/08 - Courtesy of Cole Kinsler
MANSFIELD, MA: Just one week ago (seems like yesterday) I attended an incredible night of Radiohead at the Comcast Center in Boston's Metrowest. We arrived craving/needing a good night. It had rained for four of the five previous days and all I could think was "dry, dry, dry...." And when it finally became clear the rain wasn't going to descend on our heads - it was show time. My eyes traversed the sold-out sea of concert goers at the Comcast Center... The palpable anticipation hung in the air. We were all expecting greatness....
And as for material, I don't think a soul out there was surprised to hear a number songs from Radiohead's In Rainbows (distributed to fans for free) released in 2007. I don't think we possibly could have hoped for as much Kid A love as we did. (I am referring, of course, to 2000 album that broke so many rock-and-roll hearts and made listeners into Radiohead fans for life. The album was a big part of the amazing RH show at the Comcast Center last week (8/13/08) - a performance that offered - in my eyes - one of the band's best setlists ever.
And as for material, I don't think a soul out there was surprised to hear a number songs from Radiohead's In Rainbows (distributed to fans for free) released in 2007. I don't think we possibly could have hoped for as much Kid A love as we did. (I am referring, of course, to 2000 album that broke so many rock-and-roll hearts and made listeners into Radiohead fans for life. The album was a big part of the amazing RH show at the Comcast Center last week (8/13/08) - a performance that offered - in my eyes - one of the band's best setlists ever.
The Stage During "Optimistic"

Radiohead Setlist - August 13, 2008
The Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA
01. Reckoner *
(video below)
02. Optimistic *
03. There There *
04. 15 Step *
05. Kid A
06. Nude
07. All I Need
08. The Gloaming *
09. The National Anthem *
10. Videotape
11. Jigsaw Falling Into Place *
12. The Bends
13. Faust Arp
14. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi *
15. Everything In Its Right Place *
16. Exit Music for a Film *
17. Bodysnatchers *
18. House Of Cards *
19. I Might Be Wrong *
(video below)
20. Paranoid Android
21. A Wolf At The Door *
22. How To Disappear Completely *
23. Cymbal Rush (Yorke solo at start)
24. Karma Police *
25. Idioteque *
(video below)
The Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA
01. Reckoner *
(video below)
02. Optimistic *
03. There There *
04. 15 Step *
05. Kid A
06. Nude
07. All I Need
08. The Gloaming *
09. The National Anthem *
10. Videotape
11. Jigsaw Falling Into Place *
12. The Bends
13. Faust Arp
14. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi *
15. Everything In Its Right Place *
16. Exit Music for a Film *
17. Bodysnatchers *
18. House Of Cards *
19. I Might Be Wrong *
(video below)
20. Paranoid Android
21. A Wolf At The Door *
22. How To Disappear Completely *
23. Cymbal Rush (Yorke solo at start)
24. Karma Police *
25. Idioteque *
(video below)
DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE SHOW: I was going to give you people the show then I saw other bloggers hosting it - so no need to duplicate their efforts. Check out the Music is Art blog and download the rest of the songs, one-by-one, or the whole show as a zip file!
Show Notes: Songs with a star (*) were superior performances. Things of note: The show started with a bang - the selection of Reckoner, Optimistic, There There and 15 Step really snapped the crowds attention to the stage. At this point the sold-out Comcast Center was probably 85-90% full. Traffic was a royal bitch and some got hung up. If you did, you missed some juice. As it was, I missed the entire opening set by Grizzly Bear.
It's probably I good idea to mention that Radiohead sported two Tibetan flags on stage. It was a silent statement but one in direct opposition to the Olympic Games being televised from China. A note to other bands and public figures: This is how you should share your politics. The flags were present for all to see, but the band didn't make the show about their feeling about the Chinese occupation there.
It's probably I good idea to mention that Radiohead sported two Tibetan flags on stage. It was a silent statement but one in direct opposition to the Olympic Games being televised from China. A note to other bands and public figures: This is how you should share your politics. The flags were present for all to see, but the band didn't make the show about their feeling about the Chinese occupation there.

The set design: Holy &#*$! Seriously, whoever designed this needs a serious pat on the back and a hot cup of coffee! Strips of LED lights descending like icicles from the ceiling of the stage, looked interesting (almost like upside down pipe organ stacks) but blew your mind when turned on. These are flat surfaces so they can be used to emit light or can have light projected on them. Or both - which was often the case. Add large screens (everywhere) and what you have is stationary fireworks!

Song Selection: As I said this is a remarkable setlist. As a fan of Kid A (2000), you could not be disappointed with this show! I am glad that Thom worked at least one song from his sensational solo album. Even if was "Cymbal Rush" - there are better songs, and the Eraser album should definitely be in your listening arsenal. "Rush" was the first song of the second encore. Thom came out alone and started things up on the piano. The band would soon return.
the band takes the stage
the band takes the stage