Recommended - Bridges and Powerlines :: Ghost Types
One of our Favorites:

Here at the RSL we try to always use our journalistic hyping powers for good, but sometimes even our best friends can be left waiting - seeming (but not truly) forgotten. One of the most talented young groups on the East Coast is New York City's Bridges and Powerlines. I've been a B.A.P. believer for more than a year now. It finally about time that I sat down and shared one of the best underground releases of 2008 - a fine record you should possess, the new one from Bridges and Powerlines is called "Ghost Types."

First off, I need to apologize for keeping this one under wraps, dear readers. I've been listing to Ghost Types for about three months now. (Tisk, Tisk - I know. The worst of it is that I have even been working with the band to get some Boston dates and I still somehow still managed to overlook this review) No longer shall you wait!
Bridges and Powerlines use creative hooks, harmonies, guitars and some synth effects to bring their creative songwriting to life. The sink-or-swim New York scene has fostered and forced Bridges and Powerlines to be better - but they haven't stopped there. I remember hearing the band's self-titled EP release last year and realizing how much potential they have. Ghost Types is exponentially better - and one can't help but think this is just another stepping stone for Bridges and Powerlines.
Yes, Virginia - this band is really that promising.
Yes, Virginia - this band is really that promising.
