The Raconteurs and Black Lip Attack the Pavillion
BOSTON live event:
Bank of America Pavillion 8pm tonight
Bank of America Pavillion 8pm tonight
WHY YOU NEED TO GO: It's the Raconteurs. I mean, it's Jack White on a stage with lots and lots of insane guitar!

This is the band's first appearance in town since the release of the Consolers of the Lonely album. The band is mega-talented and tighter than ever. Check this record out.
The Black Lips

Openers The Black Lips (Vice Records) are a punk rock fireball turned lemony sweet. Not quite pop mavens, the band has definitely dark influences. They take out their sonic aggressions on stage but can lighten up and play nice too.
Quality tickets are Still Available
At a smaller venue Black Lips are a must but at the Pavilion I just don't know.
The Raconteurs album certainly isn't as good as the Black Keys' Attack & Release... But I've said this before.
I would be wary of counting out Jack White. I've seen him a handful of times now and no matter what it's ALWAYS entertaining.