The Delta Spirit release Ode to Sunshine - Easily One of the Greatest Albums of 2007
Don't be prideful son. Just do what's right. A Hard, Simple Lesson which could perhaps have been repeated many-a-time to the children of America's hardscrabble Nineteenth Century pioneers. Some of these hard-living pioneers are depicted inside the album cover of Delta Spirit's masterful "Ode to Sunshine" album (2007). The new record is an homage of sorts to those souls: the hard livin', hard drinkin, and people dyin' young on life's edge with not much to show for it. The album cover depicts a vintage photo of a monster tornado attacking a grey landscape. The darkness can do nothing however to touch this absolutely beautiful album and the triumph one feels after getting through just half the album...
Hit Play and Walk into a Dusty Saloon, stepping into a past you never knew. There is something epic and dangerous about these songs. Each of the tracks has a very intentional soft fuzz sound. (Excellent production qualities here, track after track!) The next song comes and the piano jangles a lonely tune while the voice rise in defiance of boredom, of sobriety, of, perhaps, living in the moment all-the-while knowing tomorrow is full of hard labor. Ode to Sunshine is all about feeling the pain and know you are still lucky to be alive. Kind of like: These are the brilliant days, no matter what.
Know just one thing: Ode to Sunshine is an incredible album - one of the best of the year. Delta Spirit was already a personal favorite band. But hey, congratulations boys! With this release - you are one of the best bands in the world right now. You heard it here first!
Know just one thing: Ode to Sunshine is an incredible album - one of the best of the year. Delta Spirit was already a personal favorite band. But hey, congratulations boys! With this release - you are one of the best bands in the world right now. You heard it here first!
Southern California's Delta Spirit

Dates with Dr. Dog
11/6/07 - Fletcher's / Baltimore MD
11/7/07 - Rock and Roll Hotel / Washington DC
11/8/07 - Maxwell's / Hoboken NJ
11/9/07 - Bowery Ballroom / New York, NY
11/10/07 - Theatre of the Living Arts / Philadelphia, PA
Dates with Dr. Dog
11/6/07 - Fletcher's / Baltimore MD
11/7/07 - Rock and Roll Hotel / Washington DC
11/8/07 - Maxwell's / Hoboken NJ
11/9/07 - Bowery Ballroom / New York, NY
11/10/07 - Theatre of the Living Arts / Philadelphia, PA
Caught them again last night at Maxwell's with Dr. Dog just to make sure I wasn't hearing things the first time around-- I wasn't. They are fantastic. Would go see them again tonight at Bowery but it's sold out (and I am going to Josh Ritter).
Highly recommended!
Anyway, they were great. I had no cash to buy the CD and I can't find the Ode to Sunshine on iTunes... I may just have to order a CD online.