JOYRIDE In JULY - RSL Blog Radio 25
On the Way: Later this month I will be listing my favorite new albums of 2007 . I will be honest - I am pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect much in February, but my eyes have been opened to some incredible albums this year. (Yes, I expected the Ryan Adams and White Stripes to be great. And they are. But there are so many others.... ) This will be something to look forward to. Start compiling your list and then let's compare notes!!!
RSL Site Update: About 90% of the material in the sidebar is still unavailable due to the second media hosting crisis of the last year. Yes - I was an EzArchive victim and now am being plagued by the loss of my go-to service MediaMax.... a service I haven't had for a week despite the fact I paid for the year in advance. If you know of a reliable service with extensive bandwidth and storage options - please let me know! For those anxiously awaiting new content (I now have at least three new lives shows ready to go.....) and the resurrection of my archives - fear not.... I will find a way to get the wagon back on the trail. Please be patient and check back often.

July 2007 - Anticipate great music here on the RSL
Today's Post: Well, I am operating at 40% power here at the moment, but that won't stop me from throwing together a Sunday Joyride Mix to get your July started off right. This is a mix of the new and the old, the traditional and the unusual. They are songs I am listening to right now. As always, please investigate artists whose work you hear on this page. None would be published if it wasn't for their individuality, creativity and brilliant sound. See you tomorrow.
Pop Levi - A Style Called Crying Chic (Source One)
Pop Levi - A Style Called Crying Chic (Source Two)
Sound Team - Color of the Love You Have (Source One)
Sound Team - Color of the Love You Have (Source Two)
Sound Team - Color of the Love You Have (Source Two)