Jude sings - Solo Material & New Video with the Low Stars!
In a world of entertainers
Jude Christodal
stands out
Jude was born and raised in the Boston area by a music-loving family. As a young man he felt the pull from Los Angeles and moved out west to pursue his passion. He wrote music and performed at open mike nights. Somewhere along the way he got really good.stands out
Jude's latest project - "the Low Stars"
Opportunity knocks only so often. Low Stars found theirs by teaming four singers (including Jude) who share a passion – for vocal harmonies originally inspired by Crosby, Stills & Nash and the Eagles. Listening to this music is like listening to your own heritage. Solid songs!
See an amazing acoustic Low Stars video
in the AT&T Blueroom
See an amazing acoustic Low Stars video
in the AT&T Blueroom
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